Creative Recreation is a youth brand that makes cool shoes for guys in their twenties. It's a fast-moving target and the company wanted to create an insights book so everyone was on the same page. The idea was to bring that guy to life in a way that went beyond the flat demographics and lazy characterizations. Know thy segment, sell more stylish footwear.

"It's not a party without my boys." Observation: he likes to think his crew is as cool as any rapper's entourage -- like mobsters or rockstars making their presence felt. He's got two buddies from college, two from work and maybe a friend from his rec basketball team. He wants the same identical look his friends all have -- to be different without sticking out, visible yet part of the group dress code. His boys are an extention of himself, a back-up plan. They function as his laugh track and keep his pary rolling.

"I'm a made man at the bar." Observation: Over time, he's bought enough drinks and left enough fat tips to gain bar-cred. Because when it's Saturday night and four deep at the bar when he walks in with a new girl, they'll serve him first with two shots on the house. That impresses a date -- shows her he is a player, confident and a man of action who commands respect. Like his boys, our guy has connections at several bars, nightclubs and restaurants. He wants recognition and his shirt, pants and shoes are all calling cards.

"My swag kicks your swag's ass." Observation: He knows the fashion trends but he's not too adventurous when it comes to designers. He wants attention minus the risk. He may have a knock-off watch but look at his wallet or shoes because that's where he shoots for distinction. A fresh pair of shoes give him an edge. Caught between mainstream trends and expensive designer gear, he turns for advice to several top fashion consultants -- his buddies.

"I'm not a porn star but I could be." Observation: The guy is athletic and the equipment works so he's gonna use it. He doesn't have the cajones to score the supermodel but he wants the 10 without the rejection factor. That drops him to a 7 -- the good-looking party girl, the one who just did another shot of Patron. He scripts his dates like a powerpoint -- sushi joint, cool bar, after-hours club, sex as soon as possible. His weakness is the hot body that leads to bankruptcy. He's actually a nice guy seaching for his dream girl but if he has to date a hundred to find her, well, he's okay with that.