This project was done through the Asterix Group in Napa and arrived in finished concept form with headlines already written. The thorny issue was finding a tonality and voice for the copy. They wanted intelligent yet down to earth, factual but in a story-teller way, humorous without going over the top and a strong close that made a personal connection with the reader. Alrighty then ....

Copy: Complexity and character make wine critics wax poetic. But you only need a Sonoma County roadmap to understand why they get so lyrical. There are tall mountains and dramatic ocean, hillsides planted with prized varietals and coastal vineyards cooled by sea breezes. We're blessed with an embarrassment of terroir, a multitude of microclimates. Surprising wines just naturally take root in such a place. Sonoma is 52 miles wide and 47 miles long -- and we figure those dimensions make for a generous-sized tasting room.

Copy: By some cosmic act of great fortune, Sonoma County won the geographical lottery. The distinct microclimates, the grape-intensifying soil, the morning coastal fog, the towering redwoods and mountains that tumble down to the Pacific. This is the epicenter of wine and boy are we glad to be here. Around every corner there's a new discovery and an unforgettable wine. The knotty part? You show up at the last winery at 3:59pm -- right before closing. But then we say "Come on in, we're pouring the reserve chard!" How nice is that?

Copy: The wine industry began in Sonoma County at the Buena Vista winery back in 1857. Guess that makes us early pioneers but the vision is always about the next vintage. That sense of adventure and discovery is something every winemaker aims to capture, bottle and cork. It might be a classic old vine zin or a daring pinot noir from a couple of local boys. Critical acclaim, innovation and cutting edge technologies are truly exciting but perhaps like you, our first reaction is a bit more pragmatic -- where's the corkscrew?